Greetings all,
I finally posted some pictures. The album is Randy's Pictures or Randys pics. Something like that. See, you turn 50 and your memory goes like that (snap of fingers).

Anyway, let me know what you think. I'll be adding a couple more. There's an Aussie Dendrobium that's flowering like crazy and the only way I can describe the fragrance is "purple". I've had other people smell it too and they say it smells "purple" too. That's good because it's got lots of little purple flowers.
I'm also going to post a picture of the whole plant Den spectabile. The way the flowers hang there is very cool. Aslo a whole plant pic of the Den Spider Lily. Although it's not as cool as the Den spectabile in the way the flowers hang, it still looks cool as a whole plant. I also want to get the whole plant and pot of the Paph villosum.