So not sure what I should write other than I'm based in the cold Nordics (Oslo, Norway, Europe) where the winter is long and cold (will find a F to Celsius converter so I can tell you more specific temperatures) - and really dark - and the summers are short, sometimes cold and rainy, but really bright!
I (we I should say as it's my husband that introduced me to orchids) grow the orchids I can get my hands on, sometimes I kill them, sometimes I cannot seem to kill them, sometimes they never bloom again, but sometimes they really bloom for ages (usually Phaleonopsis, but who can go wrong with those??). Until recently I have grown them on my windowsill only, but I now have a completely new orangerie (or greenhouse) in my garden that I will make use of for orchids. I also have a guest room with an east facing window for colder temperatures indoors, allthough it may be too dark. We'll see.
During winter it can get really cold by the windows, even though they are double glaced and insulated, and the air can get really dry as we have to have heating ovens under the windows. So quite hard to keep the humidity right. I cannot spend my time watering all the time as I have other things to do also... In the orangerie we can set up a humidifier, but I'd like to have flowering orchids indoors too!
Basically, I'm not going to go bananas growing orchids that required a spefical box or casing, but I'd quite like to successfully flower my dendrobiums, cymbidiums, wanda, cattleya, and miltonia in addition to what I have been able to get to reflower already (oncidium, phaleonopsis, cambria, paphiopedilum, and zygopethalum)
So that's me, basically!