Hi all
Ok, you asked for it, a couple of

- note to self, get a decent digi camera. You can see better pics of dart frogs on google images if you're interested. Mine are 'mint' Phyllobates terribilis, this applies to their colour NOT their newness

the usual colour of these is yellow/gold.
The plants I have in the viv apart from the orchids already mentioned at the mo are: Fittonia (snakeskin plant) Fittonia argyroneura nana, a couple of small ferns, not sure which ones, an 'oak leaf' creeping ficus Ficus pumila var. Quercifolia, MUCH slower growing than the usual creeping ficus, a purple leaved Pilea (aluminium plant) not sure of the latin but the leaves are quilted, a variegated two shades of green tradescantia, again, not sure of the latin but the leaves are @ 1" long, Mexican butterwort Pinguicula moranensis, Tillandsia cyanea, another brom of some sort, could be a Vriesia? a Draceana deremensis compacta(?) another round leaved creeping plant which is so far unidentified, and a couple of airplants, one of which is a Tillandsia caput-medusae (i think!)
p.s. all have been in there for 4 months, I'm moving the ficus as it is too dry in the high pocket, and the butterwort doesn't look too happy, I think it's maybe too warm - viv varies from 14c night time to 23c by afternoon. It has been snowing here for over a week hence the cooler than normal drop in night temp.