I also used Jerry's Grow for several years with noticible increase in numbers of new Catt leads and similar increased performance in other orchids. Because of work/travel, I've also been out of the hobby for 5+ years. Now I can't find or contact Jerry's Grow to order more. I found a referral to wundergrow.com (Jerry Rodder's company) which now takes you to a Japanese? language website which Google does not translate. (Maybe his patent/company was sold to someone in Japan?) I also found links to Jerry Rodder's patent which is slightly thick reading but describes his materials and results. He added methanol (2-5%) to 10-5-5? liquid fertilizer. (When I opened his bottles of fertilizer, I was alway reminded of flying model airplanes because of the methanol smell) It turns out that Dyna-Grow makes a 10-5-5 fertilizer, but only sells it in "drums." I'm considering adding small amounts of dry ammonium nitrate fertilizer to a homemade "mix" of some other Dyna-Grow product PLUS ~2% methanol PLUS minimal amounts of ammonium nitrate fertilizer.
To be safe, I'll probably begin without the ammonium nitrate and then slowly add small amounts.
By the way, Methanol (wood alcohol) is now hard to find.....used to be in hardware stores for chafing dish burners. I've finally been able to find it online at chemical/lab supply companies.