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11-19-2008, 03:22 PM
Jr. Member
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Location: Cape May, Nj
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Hello from S. New Jersey
Hello Orchid lovers
I am new to orchids, I've had my phalaenopsis since September. My girlfriend's Mom works at a grociery store, one day we went there to talk to her and I saw these Orchids in the nursery section. I told her how I wanted one but didn't want to spend $30+ on a flower that I knew nothing about. She told me about this orchid she had in the back room that lost it's flowers, she told me she'd sell it to me for a reduced price. I told her I didn't have alot of money to purchase a plant like this. I left that day with a $.99 Phal.
I went to the hardware store (where I buy most of my supplies) and bought a terracotta Orchid pot and some fer bark. I repotted it and it flowered in no time (about 2-3 weeks). I did a little research and bought a book but nothing is like a discussion with other people.
I was told my Phal. would grow purple flowers, but when it flowered they were white - any one have any ideas why they'd change their color between flowering? It doesn't really matter to me what color it is, I've just never experienced a plant change colors like this. has any one ever heard of this?
It'll be nice talking to people with an interest for well maintained plants - I babble on to my girlfriend about things I've learned about plants and it would be nice to have a two-way conversation.
I look forward to talking to you all in the future.
11-19-2008, 03:37 PM
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Welcome from Virginia.
Sometimes temperature will cause a color change but usually a difference in shade or intensity not usually from purple to white. There are a lot of Phals produced as pot plants and the purple or whites are common. Maybe just an asumption that it would be purple??
You have done things well, good drainage pot and new medium. Remember not to overwater. Have fun.
11-19-2008, 03:57 PM
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Welcome to the board Swamprat! We're glad you could join us!!
11-19-2008, 09:46 PM
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Welcome to the board. I am glad that you were able to get that plant at such an great price. And you probly saved it from the trash.
11-20-2008, 12:03 AM
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Hi Swamprat and welcome to OB
You live in my favorite place, Cape May! Nice save of the phal. Keep reading and asking questions and you will keep your chid happy and blooming.
11-20-2008, 01:08 AM
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Hi Swamprat,
Welcome to the OB! You've come to the right place for a two, three or even a 100 way conversation about orchids!
I look forward to seeing a photo of your re-blooming baby.
As for the color change thing, it is my guess that the person who told you it would be purple may have been mistaken. I've heard of changes aking place in the amount of spots a flower may have due to differences in light, but not something as drastic as what you have described, just like what John D. pointed out.
For more information on growing paphs, here is a link to the AOS culture sheet: Phalaenopsis Culture
11-20-2008, 01:23 PM
Jr. Member
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Location: Cape May, Nj
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Thank every one for your replies
My Phal was purple from what girlfriend's mom told me, she told me she took care of it and was waiting for some one to take it home. She said it was kind of a experiment, she didn't want to throw the unflowering plant away. So she sold it to me.
The section of the store it was in is kept warm. When I got my book about Orchids, it told me that I can keep my phal out side during the hot summer months and to bring it in around Sept. when it starts to get too cold. Since it lost it's flowers I wanted to create a nice comfertable atmospere for it to regain the energy to flower again. I put it on the counter next to the sink in my kitchen under a window. The window was left open so the breeze can come in to the Orchid. The temp. in my house was less than the temp. at the store. Could this have something to do with it?
Like I said, it doesn't matter to me what color it is because I like it regardless, I just wanted to know if this was common and what I could do to bring it back to it's purple color.
Thanks again
Last edited by Swamprat; 11-20-2008 at 01:25 PM..
11-20-2008, 01:27 PM
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Swamprat???? LOL I like the name, welcome to the board.
11-21-2008, 08:04 PM
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welcome swamprat! glad to see new faces here, this is a great place to learn about orchids!
11-21-2008, 11:32 PM
Join Date: Mar 2008
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I did have a supposedly "harlequin" white and purple orchid that when it bloomed was nearly all purple and very little white . . . but I don't think that's what's wrong . . . I think you have a white orchid that someone thought was a purple one . . . its sort of hard to tell if they aren't blooming! My guess is that the tags got mixed up in the store, or that the rest of the shipment was purple so its was assumed it would also be purple. But white is pretty too, and if you really want a purple one as well, they are easy to come by.
Which direction does your window face?
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