Hi there, I'm Danny, your average orchid enthusiast that turned her balcony into a jungle of orchids

I've been reading this forum for quite a while now, learned a lot so I just thought I should register for an account and maybe even participate in discussion with everyone here, as sometimes I really feel the need to address some questions or show some strange things my girls do
So a bit about me, not quite a beginner but certainly not the expert in orchids, I have managed to keep my orchids alive and in some cases even flourish, had my fair share of losses too, but I'm more than ever passionate about orchids in the past year. My first orchid has been with me for 4 years now and it is doing well still. Some varieties that I own are, well, pretty much the ussual, phals, oncidiums, cattleyas, vandas and a few species as well, like Brassavola, Neofinetia and Dendrobium types which I'm still getting acquainted with. I can't really pick a favorite, but I do have a soft spot for oncidium intergenerics and anything fragrant actually. Love to know everything there is to know about orchids in general and in particular. As I'm pretty limited to my grow space I have a limited number of orchids I can house but for now I think my collection is of about 90 orchids.
So I hope I can participate in discussions and if I can help out as well, as I'm sure I'll get a lot of good answers and help from you guys.
Thanks for having me and glad to meet you!