Hi, this is my first post on the forum! After silently reading very helpful threads for the past couple of years, I've decided to finally create an account and get more involved!
I live in California's Bay Area and as of writing this have 50+ orchids in my collection as well as some other plants. I have a little of every popular genus, so phals, dendrobiums, oncidiums and paphs as well as some different orchids like macodes petola and chiloschista lunifera. I have been growing most of them inside, but I just got a small greenhouse for Christmas so I hope to move them into that successfully.
I am a member of the Diablo View Orchid Society, and am currently the youngest member

I have many questions that unfortunately never get answered at the meetings due to lack of time, so I hope to have some of them answered here and to learn more about these wonderful plants from you all!
Thanks for reading my long post!
