I'm not so sure it is a Cyrthochilum. The floral shape is very reminiscent of Sigmatostalix. The problem is that the dimensions of the plant is not shown and there is nothing to scale it to in this photo. This is a close-up shot after all. I don't think the spike is 2 ft tall. It looks kinda smallish like just under 1 ft. I don't really consider Sigmatostalix micro miniature orchids. They are definitely miniatures. Each pseudobulb is something on the order of 2 - 3 inches tall (about 5 cm - 7.54 cm tall).
If it was a small flowered Cyrtochilum, the flowers would look like a person dancing with arms and legs outstretched. The petals and sepals would not be reflexed like they are for this plant.
Last edited by King_of_orchid_growing:); 06-30-2018 at 07:25 PM..