Picked this tiny thing up st the Portland Orchid Show this weekend. Wasn't paying much attention as I plucked this one up on my way out. Got home and realized the tag was broken and the name is not complete. I've done some digging and "think" it's a sophronitella.
Anonymouse is correct, Isabeila pulchella (neolauchea). It will grow longer and branch out, you can take cuttings easily though you need to have 6 or 8 bulbs per cutting. I would let it grow as is and maybe help it to grow around the mount. They have beautiful deep pink flowers. Mine does not like to dry out, I mist it daily sometimes twice a day. Neat little orchid!
I've seen plants people got from somebody else, and they slavishly copied out the label that had missing letters, or completely misspelled words, and they didn't know enough about plant names to fix the name on their own. This happens a lot.
__________________ May the bridges I've burned light my way.
Yeah. It's very parched. But I've been soaking it daily and the bulbs are starting to plump and the roots are looking better.
The vendor at the show specifically said he limits water and fertilizer on all of his plants because he doesn't want them getting too big. He seemed quite proud of that. Told visitors that his orchids were much hardier that way and they don't need to worry about watering them so much.
Kinda reminded me about pig breeders not feeding their pigs properly to stunt their growth.