We all have learned what to do (and not do) and in the process, lost some plants. Glad to hear you will try again!
I advise that when you water, take the inner (plastic) pot out of the decorative pot. Water thoroughly and allow to drain. Don't water again until the bark is nearly dry.
If the orchid comes from the store planted in sphagnum (moss), re-pot into bark as soon as you can. While you are at it, when you repot, switch the plastic pot for an unglazed terracotta pot, which drains better and allows the medium to dry a bit. (The switch to terracotta is not required, but I find it is easier to keep the plant healthy if I change the pot. Some people do prefer plastic).
Also, don't re-pot with the stem buried (encourages rot).Instead, repot with the base of the stem lifted slightly (1 cm) above the medium.
I never leave the orchid displayed in one of the decorative pots from the store because there is not enough air circulation around the pot. You can place the orchid into a decorative container that leaves a bit more room around the pot.
Good luck!