Originally Posted by Harris E.
This is a picture of Bulb. lobbii (Malacca form) from the Andy's Orchids website. Looks really close to me though yours has darker pigmentation.
Oh, Harris.
You had to do that to me didn't you.
Here I was so sure.
Now, I'm not so sure.
Bulbo. lobbii:
Bulbo. dearei:
Google image search:
Bulbo. lobbii:
Bulbo dearei:
Now I'm not so sure.
Both of these"species" have such a great color, pattern and shape variation that it could be either one of them.
I put species in " " because I'm tempted to argue against their being different species without taking their genomes apart to compare them. If it hasn't been done already.
Help! I don't want it to be a NoID.
Even worse would for it to be mislabeled.
I do have a mounted and labeled B. dearei and a B. lobbii 'Kathy's Gold'.
Because it doesn't look anything like a Kathy's Gold and looks something like a dearei, I ass-u-me-d it was a dearei.
I may have to wait until they both finally bloom for me.
I hope this is not unresolvable.
The great variation in the photos leads me to also suspect there is a lot of mislabeling of Bulbo. species out there.
I have run into it before in the purchase of other species.
Even the best most knowledgeable and reliable can get them wrong.