I did it again and bought a cute little Cat from the flower market here in SF. It is labeled as 'Cattleya Jenmanii Anato' only once I got it home and googled it I realized it's got to be something else. It looks nothing like a typical jenmanii flower and my plant is bifoliate unlike a true jenmanii. It's a lovely flower though with a rose scent so I'd love to figure out what it is. Can anyone help?
I'm not near my computer with OrchidWiz to check. But I wonder if Jenmanii Anato is a registered hybrid. If you google that, there are some posts of a similar looking flower with that name, capitalized rather than lower case as the species jenmanii would be shown.
It is a very pretty orchid but I am thinking that Silken has the right explanation. The best way to buy species orchids is from a place that specializes in orchids. Hausermann's sells some of the species Cattleyas.
Thanks for the replies. I should have said that I tried and failed to find anything close to "jenmanii anato" capitalized and not through the International Orchid Register. I don't have OrchidWiz but if anyone can check it that would be great.
Very pretty! I agree that it's not jenmanii. I looked through Orchid Wiz and I can't find anything with Anato or Jenmanii Anato. Never-the-less I really like the look. I think it's a keeper, no matter what the name is.
It's a pretty Catt! I know how you feel... I hate it when I bought something, you put an effort taking care and research it and it bloomed as something else...