No info on TJ orchid with tag
Hello all,
it's me again, it's been awhile. Hope everyone is having a spunky weekend.
my question is on a tag that was in a TJ orchid I got the other day. I got what looked like a lc. Or c.. When I looked on tag it actually says pot. (The actual tag goes like this POT. TRIPLE LOVE 'NN'). I try ed to look it up but couldnt find anything on it. So I tryet to lower case in different places like you would see on a normal tag, but could not get info.
anyone know anything about this gal. It is quite cute with its 3 little blooms.
Than you in advance.
Ps. I am sorry I havenot completed some of my previous posts,will get to them this weekend. I will get to all that have posted to my threads. After 2 years of being out of work, I finally am a normal tax paying citizen again. Just been trying to pin a good schedule down for the orchids. Thank you for being patient.
Last edited by Matorchid; 11-22-2014 at 04:34 PM..