Dendrobium (?) with very long canes
My niece gave me this plant back in January. At the time it had only two canes, the one that is stilll the longest and a smaller one that was bent in the middle and looked broken. She said it had never bloomed or shown any growth while she had it. Starting around the end of January, I noticed two new canes showing but no new root growth. Since then it's just kept on growing new canes (should I be calling them pseudobulbs?) but still no new root growth that I've seen. I was watering it every day, but I've cut back to twice a week. The longer leaves on the new canes made me think I must be over-watering it. The longest cane is 34 inches (86 cm.) long. Since I don't have any pictures of the flowers I doubt we can identify it, but I've been going through the Internet Orchid Species Photo Encyclopedia and have only found one species that might be possible -- Dendrobium bifarium Lindl. 1830. I'm only up to number 167 out of over 400 and pretty tired. Other possibly useful info: This is in Thailand, so I presume that' its a species native to Thailand. I've called it a Dendrobium, but I don't really know -- are there other species with this type of cane? Dendrobiums are most common at markets here. I'm sure we can't get a positive ID until it flowers, but I'd kind of like to just hear about possible matches.
Last edited by Acharn; 08-05-2014 at 12:16 AM..