Den #1- color reminds me of Ekapol Panda, though I'm not into phal types/intermediates so don't own that for comparison.
Den #2- I'd be willing to bet is antennatum x. Blue Twinkle- I own that one, it's blooming right now for easy comparison, and it's a dead ringer. I'll post a pic in the 'Antelope' thread as soon as I can if I haven't already can't remember. Congratulations- good price and I love mine!
Den #3- I'm pretty sure it's a discolor hybrid, the color, and form of the sepals say that to me. Don't know further than that. In that 'Antelopes' thread, I did post some pics recently of a discolor primary hybrid I had blooming, it's not the same as yours but see what you think to me very similar (also look up D. discolor online; don't think yours is pure but once again see the similarity).
Edit to add have you tried to find den hybrids with "Raspberry' in their names? I don't have Orchidwiz, or I'd look.
Last edited by pipsxlch; 10-08-2013 at 08:35 PM..