It could be a Bulbo that originally carried another species name but has now been lumped into the lobbii family.
I've had two that started with different species names but eventually were changed. One was Bulb. sumatranum and the other one started with an e and I forget the rest of it.
This is now Bulb. lobbii 'Highjack' CCE/AOS whose original name started with the E.
Bulb lobbii 'Highjack' CCE-AOS LUR_4443 by
kentucky4, on Flickr
This is also Bulb. lobbii but when I purchased it the name was Bulb. sumatranum.
Bulb lobbii JCL_0145 by
kentucky4, on Flickr
I know this doesn't help you but they, the powers that be, have also moved others into the lobbii name.