Cattleya alliance plant, probably a species [Coelogyne fimbriata]
I took these photos at a recent orchid display, but couldn't see a label on the plant. Anyone know what it is? I'm not very good at the cattleya alliance (they don't generally appeal) but I do like to know what I've seen... Any ideas?
I've linked the photos to larger versions; if you want to "zoom in", click on them.
The flowers and plant leaves are fairly small.
p.s. you can see other pictures from the show here.
Well, actually...I'm pretty sure. And it's possible to get hold of this one in SA.
I wanted to comment on your blog actually, since I saw you had it there as a question mark plant, but then the cows and the carrots were calling and I just forgot about it.
The figures given on IOSPE are about the same as what I recall; it seems to form a mat of growths (similarly, but rather larger than, something like an Epidendrum porpax or Mediocalcar decoratum). The photos were taken with a 100mm macro lens, but I don't recall at what ratio it was set at the time - they're not, by any means, "large" flowers (they're almost tiny compared to something like Coel. cristata). The leaves are quite a bit broader than cristata ones, and rather shorter (at least, compared to my specimen of the latter, which I have yet to bloom).