New mutation? NoID Phals
Not sure if these have been posted before, but they're new to me and was just wondering if others might be more familiar with it. Well, a while back, I was at a local grocery store and was checking out the orchid selection and noticed that one of the NoID Phals had oddly shaped flowers on it. So I took a couple pictures. Then a local superstore got in yet another supply of NoID Phals, and I had to check them out as well, because I'm always looking out for more 'chids to add to my collection. That's when I noticed the same mutation, but with a different color of flower. The first plant had purple colored blooms and the second one had sepals that were a light peach(?) color with purple spots and the petals were a purple color, but only on the inner part of the petals. The mutation in both plants were in the petals. Has anybody seen this new variety, or is more familiar with it? Both stores' selection of orchids looked like they came from the Just Add Ice nurseries.
Last edited by tom_e_boi; 04-25-2012 at 04:40 AM..