I got this as B. erubescens, which does not seem to exist in literature. The pseudobulbs are squared, and the inflor. is circular a la Chirropetalum.
Thanks for any help!
I love bulbos, just rec'd a new order. I did a google search and came up with all kinds of info on Bulbo erubescens. What are you referring to when you say it doesn't exist. It has very pretty blooms. Keep up the good work. Please look into joining our social group Florida Orchid Lovers access from main menu. We would love to have you.
Thank you, Carol! And thanks for the info on the Florida Orchid Lovers forum. I will definitely look into that. I've not had the same luck with google, and I trust the RHS orchid registry for up-to-date nomenclature. Any help is welcomed! Have a very happy New Year! Bc