greenbean |
11-11-2010 12:51 AM |
Originally Posted by Brenda Aarts
(Post 357936) hoya that I grew did not smelle very good, hopefully you have a nicely fragranced one!
Lol. The scent varies from person to person. I have a Hoya carnosa that has been in my family since before I was born. My mother can't stand the smell of it, but my dad, brother, and I all love it.
As others have said, probably needs more light. I have mine in a southern window and it blooms non-stop from spring to fall. It gets so dark in western Washington in the winter that even a south window isn't bright enough to keep it blooming all year. It may also take a while to adjust to its new home. When we moved in 1999, the Hoya pouted and sulked for many years (it was also in a darker window though) until I moved it to the south window a couple years ago. The first year it made a couple new flower spurs, but this last year it pumped out flowers like Old Faithful on steroids!
A word of caution: Many hoyas produce copious amounts of nectar, which form large droplets at the center of the flower and can drip onto carpets or furniture. It can also be messy when the flowers fall off, so place it where you don't mind a bit of a mess.