There are so many semi-alba cattleya hybrids in exsistence, to pick the correct one is a crap shoot. I can think of several right now that look like your wonderful plant.
To give it a best guess name would be like naming your newborn child Tess, when she is obviously a Jenna!.....true story!
"Every time you spend money, you're casting a vote for the kind of world you want." ~Anna Lappe
I agree that a positive identification is highly unlikely. It is similar to C. Shellie Compton or its parent C. Stephen Oliver Fouraker if you want a starting point to search, but there are hundreds of other possibilities.
A positive identification is not only unlikely, it is impossible. Even if you find something that looks exactly like this, there is no way to be sure they are the same. There are just too many hybrids that look alike and that produce similar flowers and it causes confusion in the judging system, at shows, and when pieces of plants are given away or traded or sold to have uncertain identifications on them.
Last edited by ronaldhanko; 11-01-2010 at 03:03 PM..
I agree a parent is Lc. Shelly Compton, how about looking at cross with nippan "Livinza", " Touch of Class" ? I have a note on mine, lip influence Rhyncholaelia digbyana, One possible I.D. of many