as written by Ramon, the side lobes are essential to identify V. coerulea.
Is that possible to have a close pictures of side lobes ?
The side lobes are rejected on the back on V.coeruela and they end like hooks. From what I can see, those characteristics can be found on your flowers.
But on some close hybrids, those characteristics are found too. So you have to check the hooks : the hooks have to be sharp. On V. coerulea, hooks on lobe sides are sharp and after only one cross, this characteristic disappears.
A last thing that is, easily seen on Veekay's photo above, is that the angle of leaves is much more open that others Vanda.
Anyway, it is a stunning. If it is a V. coerulea, it would be the var semi-alba with nearly white petals-sepals and blue lip. The alba form is all white, including lip.