Help Identifying this Orchid
It is Lc. Mini Song 'Magenta Flare'
I identified my own orchid, thanks to someone who posted a Lc in the wanted section. When I went in to post a wanted for Galeandra batemanii and Anguloa ruckeri, I noticed a listing for Lc. Magenta something-or-other. A light went on in my brain, remembering something like Magenta Flare. So I went into my orchid document, and there it was, listed as being in an unknown location in my apartment.
Thanks to those who confirmed that it was a cat hybrid.
Original post follows:
By the thick leaves and its growth habit, I think this is a Cattleya, but maybe not.
Nonetheless, it's a reliable bloomer, several times a year for the last 3 or 4 years. I lost the name tag, and would love to know what it is.
I grow it on my kitchen window sill, which faces west.
If anyone can help with the ID, I'd sure appreciate it.
Last edited by rmkarelitz; 03-06-2010 at 01:35 PM..
Reason: Identified!