They appear to be oncidium alliance - beyond that I couldn't say - possibly Miltonia by looks of the psuedo-bulbs, but I'm definitely not positive.
The pleated foliage is caused by underwatering. That could be caused by actual underwatering or rotted roots. If you haven't repotted that's always a good place to start and you can have a look at the roots.
Media used should drain well. Small grade fir bark or coconut husk for example. Or a ready made orchid mix 'small' or 'fine' grade.
In general, Oncidium alliance should be watered before drying out, but not soggy. Bamboo skewers in pots are excellent for monitoring moisture. Also, most do well with moderate light - a west or east facing window if indoors.
I'm sure others will have other advice/information for you. Good luck