I don't think it would be named microphyllum because the leaves don't look small... But typing "mycophylum" into OrchidWiz yields 0 entries. It looks like it might be Cattleya alliance though...
It's a total guess, but I'm going to call it Bulbophyllum microtepalum. you'll have to wait for it to bloom before you can get a positive ID. you could also post a picture of the tag, maybe it's just difficult to read?
thank you all so much for your help! the label isn't hard to read. in fact, there's another of this plant with the name spelled differently which says "michophylum". i'll post a photo "when" it blooms. in the meantime i'll see what i can learn about bulbophyllums--
could it be a Myrmecophila exaltata? in my searches, one photo showed only part of the bulbs--no foliage! the other photos--only the flowers--which were gorgeous, by the way! thank you
To me it doesn't look like a Myrmecophila since these guys are usually bifoliate and not a Bulbophyllum either because of the way that the leaf attaches to the pseudobulb. It seems to be in the Cattleya alliance most likely a species but very hard to identify without blooms.
i found another plant that looks just like the one i've shown previously, but this one mounted and it's label says Onc. splendidum x maculata. the foliage is very hard--what do you think?