What is Encyclia 'Green Hornet' anyway?
Green Hornet used to be listed as a cross between Encyclia cochleatum x Encyclia lancifolium. But, cochleatum is now in the genus Anacheilium. According to Carl Withner Anacheilium lancifolium is an outdated incorrect synonym of A. cochleatum!
I would be interested to know G.H.'s correct ancestry and given the expertise in this board I know some one will have the answer.
I really enjoy Green Hornet. It thrives along side Encyclia and Cattleya botanicals in my intermediate greenhouse here in northern Wyoming. Small plants rapidly progress into spectacular specimens. The common name 'Green Hornet' is entirely descriptive! G.H. seems to show hybrid vigor over cochleatum: it grows faster and produces larger flowers. G.H. could just as well be a sib cross of a selected form of cochleatum, a polypoid, or even an intergeneric cross [although somehow I doubt that].
Last edited by fisx; 05-04-2009 at 10:05 AM..
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