Hi Corwin,
As I said on your indroduction thread, unfortuanately both Phals and Dens have so many hubrids with many looking similar to others, that it can be almost imposible to identify them.
Don't worry though, NOIDs as we call them, are still really pretty.
You said on your intro that they were quite new. Do you still have the lables/tags? A trick which sometimes works to find the ID of an orchid is to go to the website of the grower if that is shown on the tag. Most growers will only have specific hybrids and so if you can find one on their site which looks like yours you can be fairly sure that's what it is.
That worked for my Paph (in my avatar) as the grower only actually grows the one Paph so now it's my only orchid which actually has an ID.
Anyway your orchids are really pretty
I love the delicate pink of the Phal and the deaper pink of the Den.