Originally Posted by andrew__
 we have a winner! Thanks a ton, definitely Epc. Kyogouchi but also not sure which cultivar...
Hello All,
Just a follow up for the OP and Andrew ref Epc. Kyoguchi. I have liked this hybrid since I first ever saw one. For me it they display the best characteristics of the two parents, Encyclia incumbens (syn. E. aromatica) and Cattleya aurantiaca.
There are three cultivars in the trade: 'Fumi', 'Happy Field', and 'Nishima'. The photo the original poster sent looks to be of the cultivar 'Nishima' which is the one which has the most saturated yellow color of those three cultivars available.
I have seen one that had flowers that were a glorious, saturated orange like the 'aurantiaca' parent but otherwise was intermediate between the two parents. It had fine maroon veining in the lip which made a nice contrast against the orange background. Alas I fear that that cultivar bit the dust during the Benlate tragedies which put the owner of it out of business.
So, yes, her plant is almost certainly Epc. Kyocuchi 'Nishima'.
Hope this helps . . . (Better late than never!)
Paul M.
Tampa, FL / Alajuela, Costa Rica