The size of the flower is out of this world. The shape of the flower is similar. My plant have a quite long spike whith a flower on topp. Rather neat. I have wondered some more. Maybe a Paph. acmodintum or schoserii x superbiens, something? The sike is 30 cm from the leafspan to the flower. The flower is 10 x 9 cm.
Last edited by Spider; 02-10-2009 at 04:45 PM..
Reason: More info
Do you know the supposed origin of the plant?
Paph acmodontum and schoseri don't have long stems, but bullenianum can and superbiens can also.
The color sure looks like bullenianum as a parent.
Aha, short stems. Iīm wrong again, then. Whats about Paph argus. I have seen some photos and they are quite alike But of cause it also have some "look-a-like" to superbiens. I have to ask the my merchant, he have a something going on for him in Thailand.
Paph argus has stems similar to acmodontum not long.......Paph bullenianum and hookerae have about the longest stems. Paph ciliolare and superbiens have strong medium stems a bit taller than argus or acmodontum.
There is a lot of things to think about when identifying a paph. I think I have the same plant as others that think they have a parnatanum and that is bought here in Europe. A pity, but strange that all are misslabled.