I bought a dwarf orchid several years ago which unfortunately died (the roots were already rotted when I bought it, and I, as a naive novice, didn't check before buying it

) The picture on display was of a flower similar to a zygopetalum in color, proportion, and according to the sign had similar fragrance and were about 1-2 inches wide. The plant was very small, the leaves were about 1-2 inches long and held from horizontal to a 45 degree angle, medium green, and oval. The posted information said mature leaves would be no more than 3-4 inches, the plant prefered medium light and (I think) intermediate temperatures. There may have been very small pseudobulbs, but their prescence was negligible. What was left of the roots was relatively large, if rotten. I kept the tag, which says "C. acladiae 'Blue Sky' x self". I searched for it online, but the closest I found was C. aclandiae 'Blue Sky' x self, which leads me to think that the plants were mislabeled. Has anyone heard of an orchid that fits this description? I think it's a long shot, but I thought I'd give it a try!