I bought this as a tiny start, and now that it's finally bloomed, I don't remember what it is. The blooming stalk comes out of the side of the pseudobulb, and the flower buds were all clinging closely to the stalk, as though they formed a sheath. I can't detect a perfume.
Your plant is Miltonia flavescens from southern Brazil, Paraguay and it has just been found in SE Peru. It is a great species and readily forms a specimen plant.
Thanks Eric. The name sounds familiar, and I did probably buy it from a dealer in the south of Brazil. Now to label it properly. You mean it will get quite a bit bigger?
I'd love it to get bigger! The picture with my name is my orchid tree. I keep finding new places to hang orchids from it, so size isn't a real problem. The tree is not growing as fast as my collection though.