Hi Ed! I had an orchid that looked almost exactly like yours! Yep...and I said had....I killed it....it was my first orchid! I didn't have tag with it but after searching...I found that it looks a lot like Dgmra. Winter Wonderland. Not saying that this is it's name definately....it is next to impossible to find the actual name of a NOID hyrbid. It is such a beauty though...I know that even without a name....you will still enjoy it.....makes me want to run out and start looking for another one!
Ed it is indeed Winter Wonderland. As you can see sometimes the flower markings can vary from flower to flower... this is my Winter Wonderland. It flowered several months ago and surprised me with this spike.
I think you are right now All I need is the family.I divided this plant two years ago and gave one to a friend,It died,yhis is the third bloom in the last7 monrhs.
Ed b
Not to be "snobbish", just to educate... Degarmara is the "genus" portion of the name. Since this is a hybridized plant, it is really a combination of other genus and not a "pure" genus in the manner that Phalaenopsis is. So the old pneumonic from, well, a long time ago is: King Phillip Came Over From Germany Swimming, which becomes: Kingdom, Phyllum, Class, Order, Family, Genus, Species.
Last edited by BikerDoc5968; 08-07-2008 at 09:08 AM..