Des, it sure looks like the pictures of it I found online. Oncidium varicosum - Wikimedia Commons
I guess there can be variations in the brown markings. Do you think it would be accurate to put an Onc varicosum tag on my plant?
Yes, I think it would be okay to satisfy your own idea of having a name put to your orchid. But NO, if you were ever to sell it, exchange it, or try to exhibit it as it would be under false pretense. Guessing is how we all acquire orchids that are not what they are represented to be. It's a beautiful orchid and enjoy it for what it is and don't worry about what it's name might be.
June, they are very similar! Possibly the same plant. Hopefully someone will recognize it and give us the name. Thanks Snow.. Oncidium_______ (what?). Anyone?
Hi Susie,
My dancing lady graced me with her first bloom this morning. She's not quite all the way open but this is what she looks like today.
Susie , Junebug those flowers are so similar and are Very similar to my Varicosum However you can never be 100 percent sure . What I would do is mark them as "Similar to Varicosm" and leave it as that until you can get someone more qualified to look at the plants . Remember it is not only the flower that identifies the plant , but also the shape and size of the bulbs and leaves etc . Try and find an Orchid society judge in your area who specializes in oncidiums and they might be able to give you a definite answer - Good luck
Susie , Junebug those flowers are so similar and are Very similar to my Varicosum However you can never be 100 percent sure . What I would do is mark them as "Similar to Varicosm" and leave it as that until you can get someone more qualified to look at the plants . Remember it is not only the flower that identifies the plant , but also the shape and size of the bulbs and leaves etc . Try and find an Orchid society judge in your area who specializes in oncidiums and they might be able to give you a definite answer - Good luck
Although an (AOS) judge may be able to help id your plant, it is a taxonomist (approved by AOS) that is the authority.
CNEOS, yes we have thousands of those on our roads in this country , they usually drive white mini-busses overloaded with passengers and they seldom miss anything