Hello again all,
One of the stores near my house occasionally has *beautiful*, difficult to find locally, 'chids. Problem is they are never labeled.
When they put one of the little beauties on clearance (because they are starting to lose their flowers) I love to "rescue" them.

Yeah, I'll pass on the paphs, dendrobiums, and phals ('cause I have about 40 of them already) but I can't pass up the others.
I've scored some amazing Milts (three, which I divided into six 'cause they were bursting out of their pots . . . and one is already reblooming), an amazing Howeara Lava burst ‘Puanani’ with 8 inflorescence (for $6 - thank you very much!).
Here's today's score: I got two of these little beauties for $4 each. They are loaded with very healthy roots and one has 4 and the other has 5 flowers:
I'm thinking something with Brassia in it but I'm just a newbie here. So . . . help, y'all?!?!