Not convinced this is L. Finckeniana - ID help
Got this from a grower who I thought had said it was L. fidelensis but I thought that wasn't right, not just that the flower looks different but wrong growth habit too. L fidelensis has much shorter pseudobulbs.
Then I thought maybe he meant L. Finckeniana but i would love other thoughts so..Does anyone recognize this orchid? It has a wonderful smell. The newer flower has more ripply petals than the older flower, not sure if the flower shape changes as the flower ages I am keeping an eye on them to see. Growth habit is shown in the last pic. Another thing to note is that my plant only produced one flower per stalk, but maybe this is an age thing?
L. Finkeniana is a primary hybrid of L. anceps and L. albida, and I have seen some photos of albida where there is some frilliness to the petals and lip though, so I suppose that could be the dominant parent. Any thoughts are appreciated!
Last edited by Floridaorchidmom14; 11-08-2024 at 09:45 PM..