This guy is labeled Amorphophallus bulbifer but when I searched that name I found a listing for a tropical plant that looked nothing like this plant. With the short fat bulbs, maybe some sort of Cat?
amorphophallus is typically asscoiated with the A titanum or corpse flower.
looking at this pic i think a schomburgkia or some hybrid of one. hard, linear wrinkles in a compact yellowish pbulb is what a lot of the schom/myr genus look like
Hi! The plants looks like Myrmecophyla tibicinis (aka Schomburgkia tibicinis) o some close relatives, as DirtyCoconuts said.
Amorphophallus konjac is a relative of Anthurium and Zadenteschia (in Italian Calla, don't know in british/american), which make a umbrella/like single leaf from a tuber.
Shadeflower, you may have nailed it... I took a look at my Den. lindleyi (aggregatum) and it's pretty much unifoliate. The photo from the OP is also mostly unifoliate (I see one bifoliate growth, but plants do make exceptions to their usual pattern) I only have one Myrmecophila (Myr. tibicinis) but most of the growths have 3 leaves, occasionally 2. The width-to-height ratio also has that Den lindleyi look. (short and squat) Some additional photos would help. A hint as to size would also be useful... what is the size of the pot? Size of pseeudobulbs?
The pot is a 6” and each bulb is 2 1/2 to 3” with the leaves an equal length to the bulb
That tracks very well with the size and proportions of Den. lindleyi.
If that is what it is, it wants to be drier in winter, doesn't care about cold. Someone in Florida would be better able to advise on the fine points of culture...