That looks like a reed-stem Epidendrum. Probably will be impossible to identify because many hybrids - and even among the species - look similar. It looks like it is doing quite well in that basket - a very good way to grow it. You may have to wait awhile for flowers... starting from keikis, it needs to get bigger to bloom. Once it does, this type of Epidendrum an become a non-stop bloomer. Just for the future - once it does bloom, don't be in a hurry to cut spent "canes" - the tips will dies back slowly, but the thicker part will still be alive and green, helping to support the plant, and pretty impossible to tell where the dead part ends and the live begins until things get brown and crispy.
Oh, and once in bloom, these are also hummingbird magnets. So be patient. It'll get to blooming size on its slooowwww orchid schedule.