large, dark purple flowers and heavy fragrance
I saw this at Trader Joe's and when I went back it was still there so I bought it. It has a heavy fragrance that's pleasant in a large room but overpowering in an enclosed space, lol.
I'm looking for what the types of orchids that went into this hybrid so I know whether or not I can even keep it happy in my care.
Also as a side note, would this be considered peloric? I'm not even sure if peloria is possible in these types of orchids but I had to pay close attention in order to orientate the flower properly with the lip at the bottom for a photo.
Thanks for any info yall can provide!
I'm not sure why the photos are oriented the way they are. I tried to rotate them each by 90° but the forum flips them to the way they are now no matter which way they are in my phone. Sorry everyone.