Yeah, BayBee (in my best Austin Power's voice)
You do orchids beautifully
Another batch of optical delights
Love your greenhouse .. do you charge for a walk through?
Are any of them fragrant?
I love that Bonica
Do you have the name of the phal that is a dark rose color seen in the background of the overview of your orchids? (Last photo - top shelf) I'd love to know what it is
Thanks for sharing
Dorothy, once again a great BIG Thanks for your compliments. Since it is sooooo hard to pick out specifically which one to which you make reference, I've taken some more pics.... hope one of them is the one of your interest. The pink striped flowers are Phal Newberry Parafait Picotee (l) and Phal Fajen's Fireworks (r). The darker harlequin looking flower is a variation of Phal Leopard Prince. I have several variations on the Leopard Prince theme. And, Ross, my heat bills are higher but no where close to what I thought they'd be. I'm using about 20 ccf more with the GH to maintain days about 70/72 and nights 60/64as prior to the addition. But this has not been a very cold winter here in Michigan. Usually we have 10 days to 2 weeks of -5 to 10 deg as overnight temps. This year so far only a couple.
Last edited by BikerDoc5968; 02-17-2008 at 06:19 PM..
I'm using about 20 ccf more with the GH to maintain days about 70/72 and nights 60/64as prior to the addition. But this has not been a very cold winter here in Michigan. Usually we have 10 days to 2 weeks of -5 to 10 deg as overnight temps. This year so far only a couple.
Maybe down your way, but up here in the ice box, we've seen temps below 20 degrees every night. I have a struggle keeping my window-box above 60 degrees at night! I have lusted after a greenhouse, but pretty-much gave up do to the costs I think I would incur. I really admire your setup and still dream of one day being able to have a greenhouse again.
Doc your greenhouse is awesome, and like Ross I'm envious beyond belief. My DH actually said the GH word yesterday after we got home from the orchid show.
Ross, I admire you for living "up there". For many years I travelled to Charlevoix as camp doc and enjoyed my summers in northern Michigan...and I can appreciate just how cold it must get, but if you put down appropriate inulated footings as I did and insulate the floor and select a glazing material that is twin walled, I bet things could work out. I used treated wood walls with 3.5" of pink styrafoam between the inner and outer "skin and 3" in the floor. While I did not go down 36" for my footing, it does extend down about 8" and the floor in the GH is warm enough to walk bare-foot.