I bought a NOID dtps as a rescue in a plastic bag in August. It had finished flowering about 3 weeks prier to me purchasing it. It now has roots galore and is putting up its 10th left. What should I do to help it to flower? colder temps at night? more fertilizer? Should I just keep doing what I'm doing and just be patient?
If you bought it as a stressed plant then I would let it get as many leaves and roots as it can and then this winter there's a good chance it will bloom for you.
In answer to your question, the most common way to initiate spike production in Phals and their hybrids is a brief winter cool down, usually at night. By cool, upper 50s to lower 60s (F)
even though they might have bloom cycles, mines usually bloom 2 times a year, they develop at the end of winter (like now) and then last until the beginning of the summer and then they develop around in fall again for very early winter. essentially my phal dun really take a break ^^
but definitely a lot of patience, and just let it do wat it wants ^^ itz happy when it blooms
I have a Dtps. that started developing it's spike about 3 weeks ago. It's about a month behind my standard phals. They're all in the same spot, same media, same everything. I think last year it bloomed in late February early March.
Hi, bellina. A number of phal specialists recommend increasing the light level 50% as a way of inducing spikes. See the notes on blooming here by Peter Lin
If your NOID dtps has a lot of doritis in it, that would be especially true, as it's increasing light that is said to induce blooming in summer bloomers.
Also, dtps can take a bit more light than phals without doritis.