Watch out this spider is probably poisons by its back shape and legs don't get bite!
Reminds me the black widow
Haha, she's no bigger than the head of a pin, and is completely harmless. Definitely not a black widow, lol. Her rounded abdomen indicates that she is a female. Males have much narrower abdomens.
That is cute. I have a little gray jumping spider on my orchids that came in with the orchids in the fall. It hides most of the time but every once in a while, I catch a glimpse as it tries to pretend to be very small and invisible.
Doesn't really read widow to me, but what do I know?
Black widows are some of my favorites. Despite their reputation, they are extremely shy well behaved spiders.
Being bit sucks though. 8 bites later, and I still shove my hand into dark places without thinking.
In Sou. Ill. Southern Black Widows are extremely numerous in the "wild" undergrowth and I have camped out a lot in and out of a tent! The only way to get bitten seems to be to mess with a female while she is Guarding her eggsack. Their webs are very diagnostic, so I have collected a few in my years teaching natural History to kids. Again, it is hard to get most species of spiders to bite.