Okay... so what you do, now that you have it here, is repot it into fresh bark and trim the dead roots.
Use the skewer method with it, until you get the hang of how much water it needs. It's better to keep a phal a little too dry, than a little too wet. So if you're not sure if you should water it, you can wait another day or two, until you are sure.
I don't know why my phals are still alive. Mostly... I leave them alone. I think that must be the trick to them. Stick them in a spot where they grow well, and then move them for watering and return them to their pot in the exact orientation they were in when you removed them from it.
I just got my first cattleya, it's liking me so far. I haven't killed it yet and I've had it for a month.

I use the same attitude with it, that I use with my phals. I've stuck it in a spot and I'm leaving it alone except to water when the medium is dry.
I like the low fuss plants, but it is nice to have something to fuss over too, so I fuss over my masdie and my dracula a bit. LOL!