Last Sept 2013, I decided to experiment using baggies made of hygrolon with some hydroton rocks inside as media for one of my noid Phal. Initially I was using baggies made of stockings with some sphagnum moss and styro peanuts inside. The stocking baggies works too..but am not exactly sure how the sphagnum moss will last later on so I switched using the hygrolon baggies I made. So far I can happily say, the plant loves it! Really good root growth. Made me really understand the importance of good air circulation on the root zone area. So far this is just an ongoing experiment for other Phals are still using the traditional bark mix. But for now, thought I can share it in case you have problems nurturing the roots of your Phals.
My first experiment-stocking baggies Sept 2013
My 2nd experiment- late Sept 2013 using hygrolon baggies, the baggies are like a sandwich to the roots.
This 2014, status of Phal in hygrolon baggies:
I am curious to see what goes on below, so I gently removed the baggies and so happy to see the robust happy roots. That is the other thing too, it is not too difficult to remove the media from the roots. Makes for easy inspection of what is going on below.