The surprising Phal. George Vasquez 'An Lin'
Years ago, maybe four, a neighbor gave me this plant as a good sized keiki. I somehow came away with the idea that it was Phal. speciosa, and labelled it so.
It grew roots like a wild thing for more than a year without any sign of leaf growth. My neighbor- a plant biologist -raided her lab for cytokinins to see if my keiki would respond. Success-- over time the plant produced a couple of beautiful, good sized leaves. It had spikes before it even left its mother, but none of them produced anything near a bud in those years. More than once, I started to ditch the little mule.
A while back, I'm chatting with the neighbor and learn that the plant is, she thinks, a speciosa hybrid. Bummer, kind of. I lean toward species in Phals.
Violacea, especially, except I haven't had any luck with that one.
The tag in her plant is old, and the name hard to make out. When I did get it, it didn't mean anything to me. But the plant (finally!) seems to have a couple of buds coming along and I want to know what to call them.
The plant I nearly pitched is Phalaenopsis violacea x Phalaenopsis luedde-violacea. And it's growing! and budding!
Flower pics are from another keiki of this plant. I think they are gorgeous!
Last edited by bethmarie; 06-09-2014 at 06:58 PM..
Reason: spelling