Originally Posted by Dorothy
Hi Dorothy,
Thank you for trying to help me out. You are very kind!
I am unable to buy anything from other parts of Aust., unless they are certified- there are only 3 certified orchid nurseries outside of WA. I usually have to pay an extra $20-$25 for the clearance certificate. What a pain in the b##!
So no ebay... nothing.
We have very strict quarantine laws in WA.
The good news is that I have found a Bellina (I think)!!!!
This is from our local orchid club member.
Here is my lastest shopping spree:
Phal violacea seedlings
Phal violacea 'Blue'
Phal philippense seedling
Doritis pulcherrima Var Chumpornensis
Phal Equestris
I just want to confirm with you that Phal violacea= Phal bellina.