find a smaller sized clear plastic pot and repot it(it means a size smaller than the original pot and make sure to anchor it well so it doesnt wobble inside the pot)....use a mixed media(large bark, charcoal, lava rock, hydroton and sponge rocks) unless you have perfected the skewer method then you can grow this on moss....find a regimen of watering and fertilizer for you and your plant....then a good placement on a medium bright shaded window
your grow zone have brighter sun in winter than in summer make sure the leaves near the glass dont get to burn
* your plant is maybe 5 to 6 years old ....dont worry they are tenacious and can take the rough and tough handling....but I can see that it had neglect and rotted the roots....if that remained happy and healthy=the roots could be pencil thick and long
Last edited by Bud; 12-12-2012 at 05:37 PM..