That is a score! Beautiful plant with the name tag.
What is wrong with our Lowes?! I have never seen any orchid for $5 there, not even discounted Noid.
Like I said, its probably a regional thing. If you start requesting it, they will start stocking them eventually.
I repotted this the other day but I kept the moss in this one. It had some healthy roots aside from a few that were collapsed but not rotted. I will just have to take it easy with the watering and I upped the time my fan is on.
On the plus side, I've had two more buds open and none have blasted. Happy with that result for sure even if the two new ones are upside down. I've been turning the rest to get them back straight. lol
doubt if my stores would stock - I see too many relegated to the no-hopers discount stand after a while. There are plenty of EZ Orchids for $9.99, only phals.
Not sure if this one is going to make it. The stem on the mother plant is turning yellow and two leaves are pretty much dead while there are 2 more heading that direction. The roots were in pretty decent shape but nearly all of them were severely broken so Im assuming that has really killed a lot of them. I even trimmed quite a few of the mushy guys. I took out about 70% of the moss it was packed into and it did decent for a few days. Blooms are still opening so it might last a few more weeks but who knows. I hope it does pull it out but I doubt it with the look of the crown.
13 flowers and 10 buds still. No blasting yet.
Any advice? I'll get a pic tomorrow as I cant find the smurfing camera.
Last edited by bballr4567; 03-20-2012 at 12:16 AM..
I think this one is toast. It lost the bottom leaf, all the rest on the parent plant are turning yellow and I just noticed the rot on the stem. Oh well, at least Lowe's has a warranty but too bad as this would of been awesome to see rebloom again as I found two dead inflorescences while clipping roots.
EDIT: Not sure what is up with the quality of these. I'll try to re-up them again later tonight if some want high quality ones.
Last edited by bballr4567; 03-20-2012 at 05:26 PM..
Well in my experience this hybrid is very hardy. I actually got this as my first orchid from a home depot (it's the 'flora ark' variety) and haven't seen a named orchid in there since. But the moral of the story is that it's still around years later after suffering from some serious root rot and partial stem rot from when I unfortunately put it in the miracle gro orchid death mix.
Good luck and clean it well, the little chid might surprise you
Oh dear. It looks worse than my P. equestrs aurea did and that one didn't make it... But you are you and me am me. Where I failed you might succeed.
Have you decided if you're going to try save it or not?
I really want to say it looks salvageable, but to my inexperienced eyes it looks like it would be a waste of time.