I was just looking over my orchids (duh) and noticed that I am getting a keiki on my phal equestris!!!!! It was a keiki itself last year and was just removed from the spike last fall. It started flowering this spring for me and has kept at least one flower at all times since then. I was looking at the current flower and noticed that there was no new bud showing after it, but a very tiny leaf!!! It is a bit small for me to get a good picture with my cruddy camera, so you are all just going to have to wait!
Thanks, guys. Can you tell that I am very excited. This keiki was sent to me by a forum member and I couldn't believe it when it started to spike. I was just starting to wonder if I should cut the spike to let the plant rest and now this!!!! I think you can add me to the "I love equestris" list.