Originally Posted by ladyslipper
i still think these stores should be ashamed of themselves the way they treat their plants (esp the orchids!) - m
It's great to hear of a rescue but from the frontline being a lead supervisor at the HD, it sucks to see these plants being "abused" as some would say. If I may shed a bit of light on the background of buying orchids for "the box stores". My store in particular will not by any means accept plants that bloom without blooms. So it be, either/or, very near bloom or blooming, orchids in particular are forced into blooming at the vendors, box'd shipped by semi (refrigerated, I think not) forwarded to the stores in closed box's awaiting for vendor to send someone to sort and place on appropriate tables. With this you get a stressed orchid, shelf life 5-7 days.
I personally know which days these charmers come into my store and I take the time to open the box's for fresh air and not to mention placing under the nightly mister/sprinkler system to make sure they freshen up before customer purchase. The following is the ultimate...my store has buy-backs, no sale, sick, or just not for purchase orchids go back to vendor for refund
. But if stores buy them without this clause, they keep them, if they and some most definitely are not taken care of, they go on SALE!!! and orchid hobbists buy them to nurture them back.
We are lucky at my store to have who they call the "orchid lady" (me) and a plant buyer with strong plant care. The store manager worked in garden prior to coming to our store and knows what customers want. Our rescue carts are very few and far between. I fight to keep our vendor buying contract, but one day this may go away because corporate rules
So with this, take each rescue, nurture and bring them back to their blooming/growing capabilities and enjoy.