Sandra, I think part of it is genetic and part of it good culture. The healthier a plant is the more energy it has to spare for flowers. Sometimes the total flower yield is about the same whether it's one spike or two. I have a plant that double spiked for me one year giving me a total of 14 flowers. The next year I had the same number of flowers on a single spike.
I bought a white Phal last fall that had 3 spikes and about 30 flowers total .... That one is definitely a bigger Phal.
Not sure if this is true or even remember where I got this from. But if a spike is cut all the way down, before flowers fall off, that there might be 2 spikes on the next flowering ...
I haven't heard that before. I have heard and do practice cutting the spike off completely when it's finished blooming. I feel it gives the plant the opportunity to go into a vegetative growth cycle which in turn will help it store up energy for next years bloom cycle. I think the blooms are bigger, nicer etc. when a spike first blooms. Secondary blooms from old spikes usually have smaller flowers and fewer of them. Just my
I received a Phal that never changed. For 2 months, the flowers never changed, one was half opened and 3 flower buds stayed that way too. That Phal stayed that way for 2 months!! The roots looks so healthy.